

UnitedHealthcare, The BMW Store’s Provider for Medical

The BMW Store offers two options for coverage through UnitedHealthcare.

Benefits BKOU Premier HSA HDHP  BYSK Premier PPO  AXPA PROformance PPO
Deductible $5,000/Single


Coinsurance 80/20  80/20  80/20
Out-of-Pocket Annual
Office Visit      
 · PCP Sick Visit
Deductible then 20% / Deductible then 40%  $25 copay 
 $10 copay
 · Specialist Visit Deductible then 20% / Deductible then 40%  $25/$50 copay  $40/$80 copay
 · Wellness @ PCP Covered in full  Covered in full  Covered in full
Inpatient Hospital Deductible, then 20%  Deductible, then 20%  Deductible, then 20%
Outpatient Hospital Deductible, then 20%  Deductible, then 20%  Deductible, then 20%
Emergency Room Deductible, then 20%  $250 copay, then 20%  $300 copay, then 20%
Urgent Care Deductible, then 20%  $75 copay  $25 copay
Prescription Drugs Deductible, then $10/$40/$85/$250  $10/$40/$85/$250  $10/$40/$85/$250
Mail Order
(90 Day Supply)
Deductible, then $25/$100/$212.50/$625  $25/$100/$212.50/$625  $25/$100/$212.50/$625

View detailed summary of BKOU Premier HSA HDHP

View detailed summary of BYSK Premier PPO

View detailed summary of AXPA PROformance PPO

Preventative Care Benefits

Preventive care helps protect you from getting sick. Diagnostic care is used to find the cause of existing illnesses. Your BMW UnitedHealthcare health plan offers a variety of preventive services at no cost to you! When you receive these services from an in-network doctors, you will experience no out-of-pocket expense.

View preventative care guidelines

How do I check to make sure my doctor is in-network?

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Find a Doctor or Hospital” on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. A new window will open. Select the type of provider or facility you are searching for and click Next.
  4. Select your State. Click Next.
  5. Select your Network: Click Go to Provider Search.
  6. Type in any additional criteria you wish before you click Search for Providers. At least a Zip Code and Search Radius are required. At this point, your search results will populate the screen.